Amazon Promise treats 1,324 people in February 2015
Amazon Promise founder and president, Patty Webster, reports on the success of the February 2015 medical and humanitarian expedition to Iquitos, Peru and the surrounding impoverished communities along the Amazon River and its tributaries. Amazon Promise held 10 medical clinics with the help of generous volunteers from the University of Michigan, Penn State, the Albert Einstein School of Medicine, and the University of Winnipeg.
Despite the challenges of funding, logistics and the environment, Amazon Promise diagnosed and treated an astonishing 1,324 people who are too poor to afford even government-subsidized medical care. In addition, thanks to a special crowd-sourced funding campaign, Amazon Promise added cervical cancer screening and treatment to its regimen of care and encountered an astonishing 22% incidence rate of women in urban areas who required cryotherapy treatment.
Furthermore, as part of its commitment to improve the general health and living conditions of the poor, Amazon Promise is continuing its collaboration with Engineers Without Borders to install rainwater catchment systems and with Toilets for People to install composting toilets in areas surrounded by raw sewage.
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