Donate to Amazon Promise today. Amazon Promise relies on private support to deliver the best in patient care and health education to thousands of people in Peru every year. You can join our mission to alleviate suffering and promote a more healthy future for communities in the Amazon by making a financial contribution.
Your gift will directly save lives by supporting our day-to-day operations in Peru and buying much needed medical supplies.
Donate to Amazon Promise using PayPal or Credit Card
“Buy a Clinic Day” $860
Your donation will provide medical, dental and laboratory services
to over 150 patients
Please consider adding 3.5% to your donation to cover the transaction fees.
Matching Donations
Many companies match employee donations to non-profit organizations. If your employer (or your spouse’s) has a matching program, please mail our gift form to the address above.
On behalf of the people of Peru, our sincere gratitude to every individual Amazon Promise donor, fundraiser and volunteer.
We could not achieve our mission and goals without your support.
What type of gift?
Non-Designated | Matching | Tributary | Memorial | Stock(s) | Legacy | Other
More information: Please click here or email if you need more information about the donations we accept.