Amazon Promise relies on private support to fund current operations, expand its services, and provide a wider range of care. Healthcare delivery in remote Peru is a challenging undertaking, and we manage to provide medical evaluation and treatment for the average cost of only $15 per person. We are in constant need of financial contributions to help implement much-needed interventions in the areas we serve.
You can join our vision of a more promising future for the people of the Amazon by making a gift. With your help, we can continue to provide the best in patient care and health education to thousands of people in Peru each year. Your gift will literally help save the lives of many children and their families. Your tax deductible donation helps fund the cost of medications, keeps our jungle and city clinics running, and enables us to provide training to local health care workers and midwives. Our entire operation depends on it.
You can join our vision of a more promising future for the people of the Amazon by making a gift. With your help, we can continue to provide the best in patient care and health education to thousands of people in Peru each year.
With your help, we can continue to provide the best in patient care and health education to thousands of people in Peru each year. Volunteer for an amazing opportunity to join an expedition to Peru as a non-medical or medical volunteer.
Merchant Connection
Show your spirit with the purchase of Amazon Promise gifts and attire such as t-shirts, mugs, bags etc. With each purchase, 25% of the sales goes to funding Amazon Promise’s mission. You can also visit Shaman’s Market where you can find beautiful, one-of-a-kind merchandise created by people from the villages of the Peruvian rain forest.